Tag Archives: sale

Big Rummage Sale set for Ogden Presbyterian Church

A rummage sale will be held at Ogden Presbyterian ChurchThis is a big sale. specialty items will be individually priced.Bake goods such as cookies and refreshments will be provided to shoppers.

OGDEN — A day of deals, treasure hunting and an all-around good time. There will be something for everyone: clothing, furniture, tools, children’s items Find back-to-school items, holiday decorations and other treasures at the annual rummage sale.  Signs to find the church will be posted off the main roads

For more information, call .1(585)352-6802

Rummage sale March 27,28, and 29th with Pastor Rev. Sudi Layraman March 27, from 5pm to 9pm March 28, 9am to 8pm and March 29 9am to noon.

rummage sale


: a sale of used items (such as old clothes or toys) especially to raise money for a church, school, charity, etc.

Full Definition of RUMMAGE SALE

:  a usually informal sale of miscellaneous goods; especially :  a sale of donated articles conducted by a nonprofit organization (as a church or charity) to help support its programs

First Known Use of RUMMAGE SALE

circa 1858


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