The Single Mom’s Devotional: A Book of 52 Practical and Encouraging Devotions

Single mothers, whether on their own after a divorce or a husband’s death, will discover how to find true life in Christ and allow the strength of that inner life to be the compass by which they navigate an unpredictable future.



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Word of wisdom from Ski Coach – Mountain Adventure Mum

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Tignes Tori Collins – Ski Coach – Mountain Adventure Mum

Being a single Mum to Ossie inspires me to be twice as good of a Mumma than I would be and that’s certainly not a bad thing… I’ve learnt a lot over the years alone with Ossie, so I want to share with you my advice on single parenthood…

-Being a single parent doesn’t mean that you failed! Any parent can become a single parent at any time.

-It only takes 2 or more to be a family, we are the Collins family!

-If you always do what you think is best for your child and do it to the best of your ability, then you can not have any regrets.

-Your child is only disadvantaged by having just one parent, if you let that happen. You can be an amazing parent alone by talking to them, teaching them and playing with them, having 1 active parent is better than 2 lazy parents.

-You can still follow your dreams, it may be harder and take longer and require much more planning, but it is totally possible – I achieved the highest level ski teaching qualification in the world, while raising a little boy on my own, in a foreign country, with no family close by.

-You won’t be poor, Having a child and your health is the greatest wealth! All your child needs is love and adventure! When Ossie was 5 I sold all his toys and packed up our car and headed to the mountains to follow our dreams. Your not rich until you have something that money can’t buy, so follow your dreams with your child.

-Your child is not a burden, they are a blessing. We chose to step up to the role of parenthood, whether you became pregnant by accident or not, you chose to have a baby and become their parent. You created this life for your child on purpose, now you must live on purpose, embrace it and infuse your lives with happiness.

-Somtimes being a lone parent is hard, but your life begins at the end of your comfort zone… you learn to rely on yourself, you get to know yourself, trust yourself and love yourself- These are amazing gifts to give to yourself.

-You might want to find a new partner, but you won’t be looking for a ‘new Dad’ for you child, they already have a Dad. Whether he is present in their lives or not, they have a Dad already….. If a new partner is to come into your life, he will be flattered to know that you see him not as a replacement Father but as a positive role model to your child. A loving partner who wants to step up to role of helping co-parent your child, will see this as a privilege and an honour and an opportunity to love a little more.

-You won’t need to think outside the box, just think OUTSIDE. Nature is cheaper than any therapy, raise your child outdoors as much as possible.

-I live in the mountains and I have learnt that sometimes you have to experience the deepest valley to appecriate the top of the highest mountain. You can recover from any valley and stand high and proud on a mountain top with your child.

-We are shaped by our thoughts and become what we think, therefore if you think that being a single parent is a disadvantage, then it will be a disadvantage, but when you believe in yourself and think possitivly, you can totally rock your kids life!

-Have an enjoyable life with your child, you can do whatever it is you want to do, its up to you, but don’t wish for it, work for it and start NOW!

Single Mums have 100 percent of the work, but also receive 100 percent of the love and pride that come with it. Cherish the moment and be #100PERCENTMUM

Please share this post to a single parent that you know who is doing a brilliant job (or tag them in the comments) and if you have a partner who co-parents with you, tell them how thankful you are for them!